In Memory of




Condolence From: Susan McHone
Condolence: Mary was my mothers best friend (Helen McHone) from school in Port Henry. She talked about her frequently while we were growing up, and of course they got together every summer while we were growing up, when Mary and the boys came to visit in the summers. We moved to Burlington in 1964, so they didn’t see much of each other after then but my brothers and I all remember the Toombs and how much Mary loved living in the Bronx! I was fortunate to see Clara briefly when she came to Port Henry for a class reunion banquet, I think it was 2018, and she told me Mary was supposed to have been there but didn’t make it. Clara died a few months later, and I’m sorry we didn’t get a chance to visit longer. And that I didn’t see Mary again. I’m sorry for your loss but happy to read this great obituary, which I sent to my 3 brothers (Bill, Greg, and Hartley -aka John.)
Sunday July 31, 2022