In Memory of




Condolence From: Testigos de Jehová
Condolence: Lo siento mucho y los acompaño en sus sentimientos. Solo quería compartir unas palabras alentadoras de Jehová Dios en su palabra la biblia acerca de nuestros seres queridos que fallecieron. ¿Quiénes resucitarán? Jesús dijo que “todos los que están en las tumbas conmemorativas oirán su voz y saldrán” (Juan 5:28, 29, nota). Y la Biblia también dice: “El mar entregó a los muertos que había en él, y la muerte y la Tumba entregaron a los muertos que había en ellas” (Apocalipsis 20:13). Así que igual que Jesús resucitó a Lázaro desde su tumba aquí en la tierra después de tres días así también hará con nuestros seres queridos que han fallecido. Sí, miles de millones de personas resucitarán aquí en la tierra. El apóstol Pablo dijo que “va a haber una resurrección tanto de justos como de injustos” (lea Hechos 24:15). ¿Qué quiso decir? Entre ellos están los miles de millones de personas que no tuvieron la oportunidad de conocer a Jehová. Aunque murieron, Jehová no se ha olvidado de ellos. Adonde dice la biblia que los resucitarán? Salmos 37:29 nos dice: Los justos heredarán la tierra y vivirán en ella para siempre. Como pudieron ver es aquí en la tierra donde resucitarán y vivirán para siempre en ella. De seguro es una esperanza maravillosa para los resucitados y también una bendición para aquellos que sirvan a Jehová y por su misericordia estar presentes para recibirlos. Él los resucitará y les dará la oportunidad de conocerlo y de ser sus siervos igual que Lázaro y otros en la biblia que fueron resucitado aquí en la tierra con el poder que Jehová le dio a su amado hijo Jesús. Desean aprender que es lo que Jehová Dios nos dice en su palabra la biblia para poder estar entre aquellos que recibirán a sus seres queridos descansando en la muerte? Déjenme saber a mi correo electrónico o visitando a y pidiendo un estudio gratuito de la biblia. Con mucho gusto lo ayudaremos.
Friday March 05, 2021
Condolence From: SD
Condolence: Mis sinceras condolencias a la familia Amador por la pérdida de su querida madre Doris, compartiendo este mensaje de la Biblia donde nuestro Dios Jehovah nos promete una resurrección en un futuro cercano Juan 6:39;40, y le conceda la vida eterna aquí en tierra en un paraíso renovado Salmos 37:11,29, mientras esperamos estás bendiciones en un futuro cercano que la paz de Dios este con la familia.
Wednesday April 24, 2019
Condolence From: Marinnette Flores
Condolence: Beloved Doris, you left us all with your touch in our hearts. You will always live in our hearts. May you find peace in the arms of our father. Rest in Peace.
Thursday April 18, 2019
Condolence From: Ruben Correa
Condolence: I lost touch with her in the last few years but, I'm comforted by the fond memories on the Job and laughter we shared. I knew her at a time that were formative and golden to me. I knew her at a time she seemed invincible. I am who I am today partly because of her. She is a rare breed, on and off the Job. My most heartfelt condolences.
Wednesday April 17, 2019
Condolence From: Sam Rivera
Condolence: My sincere condolences to Erica and the entire family. I never had the pleasure of meeting you, but I did have the honor of knowing and working with your mom Doris. As a detective in the BX DA Squad, I worked on a couple of cases with Doris. She was tenacious and a powerhouse, her love for the job showed in how she interacted with her peers and the victims of a crime. Rest In Peace Doris, Never Forgotten, your brother in Blue, Sam
Monday April 15, 2019
Condolence From: Greg Santana
Condolence: God Bless her family and may Doris rest in eternal peace🙏🏼🕊🇺🇸
Monday April 15, 2019
Condolence From: Betty Zayas
Condolence: My sincerest condolences to you Erica. Your mom was an amazing woman and I know she loved you dearly. Cherish the memories as you will keep her alive in your heart. Doris, you are now at peace, no more pains, no more suffering. For all who knew you, you will be missed. I know my sister Evelyn will miss you dearly as you were her best friend, her sister. Rest In Peace Doris. Until we meet again.
Monday April 15, 2019
Condolence From: Lisa V McNear
Condolence: Dearest Erica, So sorry for your loss. You mom was an awesome woman and great colleague. Always had a smile on her face and never thought twice about helping you. God has gain an Angel. May God Bless you and continue to smile upon you. Praying for your family and you.
Monday April 15, 2019
Condolence From: Julie
Condolence: My sincere condolences to Erica! Your Mom meant the world to me and I truly loved her like another mother. She will forever be in my heart. I am here for you if you ever need me. Doris My heart is truly broken and it hurts to hear that you have been called so soon. You walked into my life and never left. Guided me to take the right paths and steered me away from dangerous activities. I am the successful woman I am today because all your words and encouragements. To know you was to love you. I will truly miss you and will forever carry you in my heart. Thank you for all you have done for me and being a big part of my life. Love you Moma Doris Amador! RIP my love.
Monday April 15, 2019
Condolence From: Evelyn Mirabal
Condolence: To my best friend Doris, There are no words to describe how I feel losing my best friend. You were like a sister to me. I will never forget the good times we had, our conversations, laughing and crying together. I love you so much. My heart is broken. You suffered so much. No more pain for you my love. May you Rest In Peace. 😭😭🙏🏻🙏🏻💔💔💐💐
Monday April 15, 2019
Condolence From: Evelyn Mirabal
Condolence: To my best friend Doris, There are no words to describe how I feel losing my best friend. You were like a sister to me. I will never forget the good times we had, our conversations, laughing and crying together. I love you so much. My heart is broken. You suffered so much. No more pain for you my love. May you Rest In Peace. 😭😭🙏🏻🙏🏻💔💔💐💐
Monday April 15, 2019